Notes on content modelling

Content Modelling: A Master Skill (Rachel Lovinger, A List Apart).

A useful tool once you have a content strategy tied to your business strategy and KPIs:

  • Assembly model.
  • Content types.
  • Content attributes.
  1. The content model needs to focus on the main audience (customers) while addressing different internal audiences: stakeholders, editorial (making their use of tools and their training easier), AI/UX (specs), developers (CMS).
  2. UX cannot generate content or a content strategy (photoshopist’s perspective).
  3. Content is not mere “data”: it refers to a specific audience, with specific goals (IT perspective), so we’re not “modeling data”.

Content needs to become independent from IA/UX and developers; to do that it needs to establish a different flow for a all web solutions: the starting point and not a nice to have add on.